Couples Counseling
They may be mis-communicating what they really want to say, or they may just not understand the right ways to convey what they’re thinking to their partners. By utilizing different types of therapy – including mindfulness therapy, emotional therapy and behavioral therapy – it’s possible to address the root issues that are causing the strife in the relationship.
Quite often, couples that go to couple’s therapy find that they’re able to rekindle the love they once thought was lost. We work with many people to help them overcome their challenges and find new things and ways to connect. There is an emphasis working on the skills of listening, negotiation, compromise, mediation and decision-making as a team. We focus on developing skills of assertion, rather than aggression or passive-aggression.
Some of the topics covered in couples therapy include, but are not limited to:
- Working through infidelity
- Divorce and separation
- Sexual incompatibility
- Physical or mental conditions impacting the couple
- Same-sex relationship issues
- Spiritual/cultural differences
- Financial management
- Unemployment
- Co-parenting after a divorce
- Remarriage & blending families
- Communication problems
- Conflicts about child rearing
- Infertility
- Anger
- Changing roles (i.e. workforce reentry, retirement)

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